Flute and Guitar Sounds

The flute and the guitar are often said to be excellent companions, probably because they are not similar in tone quality, but they are complementary. It is the balance of harmonics that determines the tone. It is also called overtones. The music, accompanied by guitar and played with flute melody, creates an acoustic sound so rich in tone that it is hard to believe that there are only two instruRead More…

Easy key to play the Guitar

The easiest key to play on the guitar is G. Since most of the chords that appear in the key of G are open chords. The sound of an open chord is beautiful, so you can use a capo to adjust the key to one that is easy to play, not only when you are just starting out but also when you have become proficient. For example, if the key is A-flat, we would put a capo on the first fret and set the playingRead More…